Deadline for uploading full papers
All poster authors should upload their abstracts (not the actual poster or a PowerPoint file) onto the ISEG 2022 website by April 1, 2022

Poster presentation and display schedule
Posters will be displayed and available for viewing during the Scientific Program of the Symposium. Posters will be grouped by topic. Authors will be notified by email on which day they are to present their poster. Posters will be displayed all day. Authors are responsible for setting up their poster at the beginning of the day and removing it at the end of the day. Each poster board will be identified by a poster number. Refer to the final program to confirm the number assigned to your poster presentation. Authors are asked to present their posters during the poster presentation sessions and during coffee breaks, to discuss their findings with participants and answer any questions.

Poster Board Dimensions
Poster boards will be provided to display poster presentation materials. Poster size will be limited to 90 cm width and 120 cm height, including title, name(s) of author(s) and affiliation. Only Portrait Layout format posters are acceptable.

  1. All posters should be based on the submitted abstract as accepted by the Scientific Committee.
  2. The Poster Board Number will be posted on site.  
  3. Please bring your poster with you. You will not be able to print your poster on-site.

Please be informed that the Organizing Committee will not be responsible for any damages and losses of posters.

Mounting and Supplies
Double-sided tape as well as other supplies for mounting will be available on site. Please make sure that the material used for the poster allows it to be posted on the boards.

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