ISEG 2022 will cover a wide range of areas in Geological and Environmental Sciences:

1. Environmental geochemistry in human, animals and plants health

2. Geogenic and antropogenic chemical elements in drinking water and human habitat (on the pattern of As, F, , Se, U and other chemical elements and compounds)

3. Environmental and geochemical aspects of soil covering studies

4. Global climate change as a challenge in solving of tasks of the search and environmental geochemistry

5. Regional Geochemical Mapping – methods and challenges

6. Geochemical aspects in sustainable development of mineral and energy sectors of people economy and industry

7. Ecological and geochemical research in the legislation and solution of management issues related to territories of residence and implementation of professional activities.

8. Modern techniques in solving of the tasks of environmental geochemistry

9. Dust as an object of environmental and geochemical research

10. Biogeochemical processes of heavy metals and human health

11. Hazard assessment of metal pollution in urban soils

12. Regional geochemical datasets — applications to agricultural and environmental management

13. Environmental and geochemical monitoring of landfill deposits

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