To participate in the Symposium you need to register via website. You need to provide personal data. Please, go to page REGISTRATION.

Please, read the User Agreement, Public Offer and Consent to the Processing of the Personal Data. Afterwards, please tick the boxes with the titles of these documents and you will be available to fill in the registration form. Please, be careful while filling in the mandatory fields. By passing the registration, you confirm your acceptance of the terms and conditions of these documents.

After filling in the registration form and entering control information (protection against bots), please, click the button REGISTRATION.

We kindly ask you to wait for a letter to your e-mail sent by our Administrator and follow the link provided in the email to activate the Personal Account.

If you do not receive a letter for activation of the Personal Account, please write to the Technical Secretariat.

If you already have an account, please, go to the Personal Account.

If you have forgotten your password, please, use the opportunity to restore the PASSWORD.

In the Personal Account you will be able to:

  • make changes to your personal data;
  • see more details on the event;
  • submit abstracts;
  • get virtual access to all sessions of the symposium;
  • pay for the registration fee, order hotel accommodation, tickets and transfer as well as pay for the selected sertvices;
  • get the symposium Book of Abstracts;
  • see recorded video presentations of the symposium speakers;
  • download the Participant’s Certificate.



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